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League of


German Shepherd Dog
League of
Great Britain
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For over 100 years the GSDL has been at the forefront of innovation and excellence. As the oldest registered GSD club with the Kennel Club the GSDL`s primary objective is to protect and promote the German Shepherd in the UK and help facilitate participation in the activities of this versatile breed.
Health and the wellbeing of the German Shepherd as always been paramount to the GSDL, with the GSDL founding the Hip scoring scheme in 1978 working together with the BVA, and KC. A scheme that now includes Elbow scoring and extended to include all breeds.

The GSDL represents one of the 85 countries with affiliated membership to the WUSV. Through our GSDL Working Branch and GSDL BRG we host Regional Events, (Landesgruppen shows), IGP Trials, and Character Assessments all under WUSV/SV rules, all with international recognition,  working towards global Harmonisation.

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February 9th GSDL/BRG

Valentines Regional Event




Barleyfields Equestrian Centre

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Results, critiques, photo galleries and more information visit the official British Sieger website.

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2025 - Judge
Roberto di Caputi
di Casa Caputi
7th & 8th June 2025
2024 - Judge
Christoph Ludwig
von der Zenteiche
2024 - Results
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BRG events 

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The BRG (British Regional Group) was formed in 2010 with clear aims and objectives. At the forefront of this was the exhibition of the German Shepherd with Regional Events under the WUSV banner.

The main activity of the BRG is to run Breed shows under SV principles, taking into account not only conformation, but mandatory identification, mandatory health tests (age specific) and classes for dogs with working qualifications. Classes are divide into age groups and every dog is graded, placed and issued with a grading card.

Grades obtained at the Regional Events are recognised by the SV, and WUSV worldwide.

The grades achieved at these Events count towards SV Ausland and those obtained in Germany.

The GSDL BRG currently has 3 UK judges on the SV National judges register and 2 judges on the SV International register.


trial events 

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GSDL Working Group


The GSDL Working Group was formed in 2007. The UK`S then only working dog organisation, the British Schutzhund Association (BSA) joined forces with the GSDL in order to comply with the WUSV resolutions to encourage the development of the German Shepherd as a true working dog.

Though the GSDL WG is primarily engaged with the German Shepherd Dog, other breeds are encouraged to join in order to give them a gateway into the sport of IGP.

The GSDL Working Branch is at the forefront of IGP sport in the UK. With its 40 plus branches offering opportunities at all levels starting with beginners, all the way through to National and International competitions.

The GSDL WDG hosts many trials throughout  the year, the qualifications obtained are recognised by the SV, WUSV and FCI. 

The GSDL WDG has 3 qualified SV IGP judges with vast experience of judging in the UK and at World Championship level abroad.


GSDL Character

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The Character Assessments undertaken at the GSD League Events are recognised both in the UK and worldwide. Both the BRG and the WDG are able to host these events and will be promoted and advertised via this website and our social media.

The GSD League has 5 Assessors, passes under these assessors are recognised in this country and for SV Korung purposes.


The GSDL plays a  pivotal role in the organisation of the annual British Sieger Event. Joining forces with fellow WUSV member club BAGSD, the GSD Breed Council and the GSDL BRG.. 


German Shepherd Dog League of Great Britain

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