GSDL Membership
The German Shepherd Dog League promotes the GSD breed and working dog sport in Great Britain.
The GSDL represents one of 85 countries with affiliated membership of the World Union of German Shepherd Dog Clubs (WUSV).
Local GSDL groups provide training covering obedience, tracking, protection and ring training. New groups are emerging all the time, details will be updated, as and when.
Being a GSDL member offers the following
1- WUSV show events (3 different levels) - internationally recognised show grades
2 - SV & WUSV judges
3 - Health screening (internationally approved and recognised SV HD ED DNA scheme)
4 - IGP training clubs
5 - IGP trials (internationally recognised trial qualifications)
6 - Internationally recognised breed survey Körung
7 - Bicycle endurance exam AD
8 - Up to date worldwide SV & WUSV information
9 - Magazine
10 - Wesensbeurteilung & ZAP
11 - Local & Regional breed clubs