WUSV/GSDL-BRG Gold medal points awards & Certificate of Excellence
A system within a system - The British Gold Medal recognises exhibits which have achieved outstanding show results over their lifetime at Regional Events and the British Sieger

Points are awarded on the following basis:
VV1(VP1) classes under 12 month = 1 point
SG1 classes 12-18 month and 18-24 month = 2 points
SG2 classes 12-18 month and 18-24 month = 1 point
SG1 adult class = 4 points
SG2 adult class = 2 points
V1 working class = 5 points
V2 working class = 4 points
VA working class = 10 points
at least 5 points gained in the adult or working class
at least one Adult SG1 at a regional show with a minimum of 3 exhibits presented in one class. Where a dog achieves the required 25 points in the UK but does not have a Adult SG1 in a class of three or more, then a V1 win in a class oveeseas with three or more in the class under an SV or BRG approved judge will be allowed. It is the responsibility of the owner to notify the awards co-ordinator of such a win.
The Annual awards. - Each year there is the list of top 10 exhibits in the categories Male Female, Long coat Male and Long coat Female will be declared. All exhibits who will be 12 months or over by the 31 December will be able to be included in the Annual Points Award Scheme which will recognise the top 10 consistently highly placed dogs. To be included an exhibit must have entered at least one Regional Event - entry at the British Sieger only will not be sufficient although points can be gained at the British Sieger.
The grading is as important as the placing and an animal which is first or second in a class but does not receive the top grade possible for its age will not receive any points.
For final points and placings to be confirmed the health test results of each exhibit must satisfy the requirements of a UK breed survey or Korung. Owners have up to 20 February in the following year to submit health test results to the awards administrator for verification. In the event of an appeal of a health test result which has not been confirmed by 20 February, the original score will be used for verification purposes. Any exhibit without confirmed satisfactory health test results by this date will not be included in the final listings for the year.
WUSV/GSDL-BRG Certificate of Excellence
A system within a system -
In order to recognise the achievements of those who exhibits who consistently make the top grading as an Adult at Regional shows we have introduced the Certificate of Excellence.
All exhibits who gain 10 or more top gradings as an adult at Regionals and the British Sieger are eligible for the Certificate of Excellence.
This applies to SG in the Adult Classes and V & VA in the Working Classes.