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Latest news
CAS - 03//03/24 Whitchurch IGP - Assessor Shirley Hutchinson
TRIAL 03/03/24 Pitsford IGP - Judge Phil Sergeant
TRIAL 03/03/24 Team Animo IGP - Judge Gary Khakhian
TRIAL 09&10/03/24 Starling Sports Dog Club - Judge Volker Behrans
CAS - 16/03/24 Starling Sports Dog Club - Assessor Wayne Vessey
CAS - 23/03/24 Severnside Sports Dog Club - Assessor Wayne Wessey
CAS - 23/03/24 Forth Sports Dog Club - Assessor Heather Macdonald
GSDL AGM - 24/03/24 1PM Hatton Park Village Hall, Barcheston Drive, Hatton Park, Warwick, CV35 7TR
GSDL WDB AGM 10/02/24 1PM Kennel Club Building, Stoneleigh, Stoneleigh Road, Kenilworth CV8 2LZ
Regional Event VALENTINES - 18/02/24 SV Judge Steffan Straub. Barleyfields Equestrian Centre, Ash Lane, Derby DE65 6HT
TRIAL 18/02/24 Phoenix IGP - Judge Gary Khakhian
TRIAL 24/02/24 South Cheshire IGP - Judge Jim Jackson
List of judges for main SV Events 2024 LINK
Character Assessment 25/11/2023 Assessor Shirley Hutchinson - LINK
Christmas Cracker 26/11/2023 Barleyfields Equestrian Centre - Judge Helen Bibby Junior Handling Craig Rice
GSDL All-Breed National Championship 28th & 29th October - LINK
Character Assessment NWGSDG 28/10/23 - Assessor Wayne Vessey - Contact Phil Smith - LINK
WUSV IGP World Championship Hungary 4th -8th October - LINK
WUSV IGP World Championship Hungary 4th - 8th October - LIVESTREAM
FCI Agility World Championships Czech Republik 4th - 8th October - LINK
FCI Agility World Championships Czech Republik 4th - 8th October - LIVESTREAM
Bundessiegerprufung IGP & Agility MEPPEN 15-17th Hansch Arena - Online catalogue - LINK
Bundessiegerprufung IGP & Agiity - LIVESTREAM
Bundessiegerzuchtschau 7th-10th . Online catalogue available Wednesday 6th September LINK
TEAM GB - Captain - Charlotte Wildman, Vice Captain - Jayne Wood, Alan Wood, Clair Brown, Chris Wilson, Simon Hopcroft-Lopez, Jenny Richards
GSDL Magazine. An opportunity to advertise and promote your Kennel, dogs or club in the GSDL Magazine. The next issue will be given out to overseas delegates at the forthcoming WUSV (over 80 countries) meeting following the Sieger. Adverts £40 for colour advert, limited spaces available. For information and advertising contact Alison Lawrence
BGSDTC & Midland GSD Regional Group October Dogfest. SCHEDULE & ENTRY FORM now available. 7th& 8th October
GSDL WDB HELPER LICENSING WEEKEND - congratulations to our licensed helpers, A GRADE - Simon Hopcroft Lopez, Jamie Bows, Aidan Jackson, Milligan Montgomery, and Chris Wilson, B GRADE - Adam Mohammed, Callum Richards, Ollie Williams, George Walker, Jamie Pritchett, Marius Dubosas, Tom Meyer, Ash Foster, Stephen Michie, Nick Warman and Mark Rigby.
JULY 2023
WEBSITE UPDATE - extensive information relating to GSD activities, SV& WUSV information, including links to anatomy dashboard, IGP dashboard, breed standard dashboard, character assessment dashboard, SV main events, judges lists, GSD ancestry.​​​​​
UK WUSV Character Assessment judges confirmed - Heather Macdonald, Gary Khakhian, Wayne Vessey, Phil Sergent, Shirley Hutchinson, approved assistants, Martin Davies, Karen Khakian, Michelle Baker, Zep Zizzi.
Full details of WUSV events in Lerma 2023 including WUSV Sieger Show link
SV HD/ED LUW DNA update including 2023 price increases link
October DOGFEST announced link
BVA HD/ED survey link
Louis Donald releases new book `The definitive German Shepherd Dog` link
Terry Hannan`s funeral will be held on 17th August at 12.40 at the crematorium, Standbridge Lane, Crigglestone, Wakefield WF4 3JA
JULY 2022
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Terry Hannan. Terry was President of the GSD League, a true gentleman, and was acknowledged worldwide as a judge, breeder and exhibitor. Together with wife Lily the Jonimay kennel enjoyed many successes. A full and fitting tribute will be published in due course.
APRIL 2022
RVC Royal Veterinary College (University of London) Dog Ways Study
Olivia Edgar Price contact e-mail
WUSV Working Group announce SV Character Test 22-24 July. Venue - Winwick Leisure Centre Warrington Assessors Jens-Peter Fluegge & Udo Walters. The event will be used to train UK Character Assessors who will then be able to award fully SV recognised character events. More information soon. The event will run alongside NWGSDG Regional Event - SV judge - Edgar Pertl
Link to Character assessment.

MARCH 2022
GSD LEAGUE AGM - 27th March 1pm Hatton Park Village Hall, Barcheston Drive, Hatton Park, Warwick CV35 7TR
Fife GSD Club joins the WUSV/GSDL-BRG and announces its first Regional Event on May 1st
The GSD League of Great Britain are deeply shocked by the sad news of the sudden passing away of Luciano Musolino (President of the Italian Shepherds Association (S.A.S.) The Council of the GSD League of Great Britain and on behalf of its members sends their sincere and deepest condolences to the family and close friends of this great man Luciano Musolino, an iconic figure in the world of the German Shepherd fraternity.
GSDL WORKING DOG GROUP AGM - 20th February Sunday 12 0 clock Kennel Club building Stoneleigh

German Shepherd Dog League of Great Britain
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