German Shepherd Dog League of Great Britain

Showing your German Shepherd

Questions from new puppy owners
Q - Can i show my German Shepherd Puppy?
A -If your puppy is Kennel Club registered he/she can enter Kennel Club shows, and WUSV/GSDL-BRG Events.
Q - What do i and my puppy have to do?
A - Hopefully the breeder of your puppy will have advised you as to the quality of your puppy and supplied information about training in your puppy pack. Contact from existing GSD clubs can be found under BRG link. Officers of these clubs will be only too happy to help and advise.
Q - What makes a good show dog?
A - Dogs are judged by the Breed Standard, and should be placed accordingly. The dogs are judged on overall construction, and are also assessed in movement on both the walk and the gait to determine their ultimate finishing position.
Q - What is the Breed Standard?
A - Clink on this link for the GSD Breed Standard
Q - What is the difference between a Kennel Club show and a WUSV/GSDL-BRG Regional Event?
A - At a kennel club show, only the Registration is required for entry. A WUSV/GSDL-BRG Regional Event requires microchip identification, and health tests (HD/ED DNA) for entry from 18 months plus. Dogs must also pass a gun test from 12 months plus.
A working class is provided for dogs that have passed the Koerung.
Q - Where can i train my dog for the showring?
A - Again contact one of the BRG groups listed on the page previous, ask the breeder, attend a local show and ask questions of exhibitors. Google training clubs in your area, You tube has many good clips of show dogs and demonstrate what is required. Facebook also has many GSD groups.
Showing a German Shepherd is unique, no other breed in the world is presented in the same manner and certainly no other breed attracts the same affection and dedication.
In stance the GSD is presented with the hind leg placed further back to display the hind angulation, and in movement is assessed with extended walking periods testing fitness and endurance. Gaiting at a medium to fast trot is also required, demonstrating the dogs ability to cover the ground easily without expending too much energy.
Showing your GSD also provides a great opportunity to meet and make new friends all sharing the appreciation and love of the worlds greatest breed. This is perhaps most evident in the annual pilgrimage to the SIEGER show in Germany, where exhibitors and spectators descend from all over the globe to view the biggest single breed dog show in the world.